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Lino cut on fineart paper A/P

 Title " The futility of knowing the spinning earth is hurtling  through space in a galaxy that is spinning and also moving and we are made up of mainly water - this makes me scream a primal scream. "

Lino cuts are well associated with secondary school in my mind , something childish and not for adults.

I have had some lino the soft type for cutting and linoleum cutter set and inks stored away  guess I was going to use it sometime or that was what I was thinking  when I purchased. 

So the first one I made was awful this is my second attempt , now must I list the interesting things about lino cuts , I guess they are a lot more tactile and slow the lino is physical and demands a certain type of line.  One must plan a cut or design and really stick to it .  

Ok so this image is pretty primitive I felt primitive making it believe me. There is an obvious influence and I have given it a kind of a long title, the mark making reminded me of rock art at the Neolithic site like Newgrange and Knowth on the Boyne valley.  What do the Neolithic markings mean ?

 Title " The futility of knowing the spinning earth is hurtling  through space in a galaxy that is spinning and also moving and we are made up of mainly water - this makes me scream a primal scream. " So I was influenced by Edvard Munch, The Scream,  and his quote "I felt a large scream pass through nature". This really resonates with me , and I tried to think of this or what could make me scream like this. I think  there are many moments in life we just cannot cope and want to scream but an intellectual dead end when I try comprehend existence and  the insignificance of humanity in the universe , just might make me scream like this.  

Unfortunately the image is not as interesting as the concept behind it and its influences more of an exercise in nostalgia.

                Paul Woods   


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