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Showing posts with the label Artist statement

Artist Statement

Name : Paul Woods Working mainly in photography currently having exhibited in New York's world cultural centre in a group show submitting images through the internet entitled "Poppies". Also working in illustration , a collaborative project in America again with a Spanish/English speaking poet, again submitted images digitally while keeping the originals and having a first solo show in Listowel St. Johns arts centre. Working in digital collage and later drawing with black ball point pen. Woods is of the belief if Leonardo Da Vinci was around he would draw with a bic pen and while in Italy a couple of years ago he walked into a shop and asked for a pen and received a bic – this made him smile. Also working in digital media film and animation and audio visual web based media, he has been working on a stereo 3d short animation for a number of years written and directed by himself. He sees his work going in many directions but always involving computers even though s...