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Showing posts with the label canon 1ds mk ii

Vauxhall Chevette

Vauxhall Chevette by Paul Woods

Along came a spider

Along came a spider By Paul Woods This image is a photo stack of 12 images shot with an external speedlite with a plastic bag and elastic band as a diffuser .   Triggered of camera by radio trigger.  I  shot 12 images before the spider moved (it was slightly chilled in the refrigerator in a film canister before hand) the recycling time of the speedlite meaning I had a few seconds between each shot . As anyone knows macro at such a magnification can have DOF issues . I have used a reverse ring and an old kit lens from a 35mm film camera 35-80mm from a 50eos . One has to pick an aperture and pressing the dof preview button dismount the lens to keep the aperture set. This in turn means a darker viewfinder if one picks a large fstop as needed for macro to increase area in focus.  I used  photoshop to stack the images - this image still needs more cleaning up before I print (always an ongoing process). It needed a bit of work too after the stacking as it is a co...