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资本主义 Titled "Capitalism"

Another lock down painting. This is titled capitalism, the photograph doesn't show the surface quality of the paint properly, paintings have an aesthetic that is unique to the medium. These are acrylics pretty fun and rewarding to paint with, oils  I found rather slow and sleeping in the same room as I paint the fumes became unbearable I gave up painting in them years ago soon after I stopped working as a professional screenprinter.  I am a collector and a procrastinator, having art supplies for years and not using them always an excuse not to use them; this lockdown has made me enter back into the conversation, that is art. I guess I have always been a part of it but with out contributing paintings I feel irrelevant.

So skulls and darkness were my last paintings 6 years ago, they had a horrific realism, these new paintings are almost pop art, but I have been trying to imbue meaning to covey and communicate something above the mere beauty of the subject and paint.The aesthetic more importantly comes from my direct use of photography and computer graphics but could also have roots in artworks by Yves Tanguy or Dali.

Starting on a toy painting, I did from one of my own photographs that was studio lit. I love the shapes and aesthetic, plus it was an easy one to start painting again, easing myself in slowly. Next was a corona virus I created in a 3d application, love the colours in this and light too, I tried to take that studio aesthetic from the photograph and continue it in 3d design but still keep it simple, baby steps.

This painting, titled capitalism, I designed in 3d software again following on from the progression or path I started on. This time I spent a little more time on the physical surface quality of the paint, it translated in real life but the photo here may not show it fully. Lockdown has been good for my creativity, painting  is relaxing and rewarding and productive. I do see a small exhibition from this experiment and path of work, pop art is not my thing but I do admire its aesthetic and well concepts not sure if Bansky's Art is pop I am sure there is some classification I do know his aesthetic is governed by his process, designed and conceptualised, then quickly produced in the dead of night where people can see. Photography and 3d design visualisation has governed this series for me and baby steps I won't say I am communicating something over the aesthetic, certainly not in the first munny doll image, it was purely an object and image I liked. The progression from this point has definitely made me walk a path and stretch my skills which are rusty for sure, my concepts tentative like I am walking around in the dark. Let's hope I find a lightswitch.


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