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New Direction for this blog

This video has a sample from Graham Hancock and was drawn to my attention from Facebook ,

This blog has been of a personal nature and a personl forum for my own work and writings.

I am also going to look at the art world , photography world music world and even venture into film, animation and media. I feel popular culture although stimulating is too contrived and the wrong people have the reigns . Education should not control or monopolise norms but be a subtle enhancement as opposed to a dictator ship of conventions.

A voice inside me speaks and says don't let reality be the way people except it is, challenge authority and ask who the people are that  have the right to give  this power  - usually it amounts to an unmerciful amount of self aggrandizement and back slapping , nepotism and sheer abuse of power.

A system that will develop into an eroded liberty and quality of life where one might have to fill out forms every time one needs to flush a toilet ! Politicians looking after no one , not the people and litany after litany of  liberty eroding reforms that make our constitutions meaningless and faulty in the name of strengthening them. Minority what 1% of the population call the 99%

Art is a place of solitude for me - and I do realise more than one artist has also used it as a political forum , social forum and communication network . Never forgetting its number one function beauty - all too many artist in any genre and medium forget this.  I love the piece above it is functional educational and beautiful above all else.  

This blog will still contain my writings and posts of photos , art works music but now it will also encompass views on other artist - bad and good (lets hope I dont cause too much trouble , watch this space ) .  I also invite others to join my conversation and offer articles or opinions and ART works  !


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