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The nature of opinion on art and the dangers of not having one.

This music makes me think so I added it to the blog post - I found it on Youtube - NIN is the band and Trent Reznor the artist. I Watched this song the day after watching the Eurosong final contest in Sweeden and was thinking of how different this music is to what was on that show. Alien almost to what Europeans think generally is a good song. This started me thinking.

As I was saying this is way better then all the Eurosongs in my opinion but it would do poorly in the competition - its like really great photography or art being unrecognizable to contemporaries for the most part. I don't think Ireland is nurturing its talent properly. Great writers of the past bring people from all round the world to Writiers Week in Listowel , hopefully one day we will have hundreds of thousands of visitors to the national gallery to see our world class painters , sculptures and photographers - people that clearly see reality for what it is and can express it in an artful way. Not pretentiousness , illegibility and elitism I often see in our government funded modern galleries. There is more art work of merit in movies and television and online then in all the European funded art centers - WTF art I call it. We are not stupid but no one seems to have an opinion on the rubbish being passed off as art these days. If you cannot understand it, the artist is saying NOTHING -- no matter how clever He, She, They, think they are - if people cannot get something from it you are not saying anything - it must look good and must exude quality because we are used to this ! Films are judged every day - we all know a low budget film from a good quality one. It irritates us but when it come to Art people have disengaged from the conversation especially on a local level and even stopped going to galleries - I blame the system for not letting artist know what they are supposed to be doing - Stop this journey of self discovery , work in progress ,finding yourself BS on the walls of public galleries and go see a shrink.

John B Keane had awful problems getting his play Sive in the Abbey theater Dublin but after getting the people of Ireland on side after a whirl wind tour - they had to eat their shorts and play his work. People need to have an opinion or else some director will dictate art to the masses or some lecturer getting a nice salary who has stopped trying to understand art or even engage the public and just bottled their own particular brand for sale to unsuspecting students.

The photos below are created by Paul Woods (Myself) - they have a place and target audience in mind and are out of context here on the web but still have a resonating beauty that transfers - these images are designed and photographed specifically for commercial printing on a particular household object -

Last Word If you see artwork you like speak with your money - it is the only way to help the artist survive and truly know what they are doing is right ! If the artist is charging too much let them know and if you think it is utter rubbish and you see the Arts Council funded logo complain to your local politician and let the artist know they are wasting tax payers money .


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