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Digital Beginnings

Here are some examples of digital images created around 2002 just after I bought my first computer - These are not the first raytraced images I ever did, I used to use povray and moray modeler. These images are some of my first explorations with vue d'esprit 3.1 . They look very dated now for sure but as a platform for visualization, computers and software like this is where artwork should be at.

"Fine art" is struggling to impress the public where film and photography can capture and inspire the masses - there are some giants of the artworld that can capture the beauty and simplicity of art,  Jeff Koons and his wonderful metallic balloon pieces. Ron Mueck is also one of these modern artists that demand attentions and respect  from all but for the most part your average art graduate these days , struggles with the concept, communication and visual unity leaving the average viewer somewhat underwhelmed and thinking WTF is this - its not art.

You see we are conditioned by creative television , fantastic movies and advertising to only accept a high visual standard and I am sorry artwork especially the 90% I have seen exhibited in galleries do not make the cut no matter what the artist statement or how much  grant money squandered by a particular artist . Their qualifications only seem to make matters worse and exaggerate their arrogance and sense of condescending towards the general public. A lot is marketing and a lack of proper art training , foundation drawing and any consciousnesses of the visual world. I for one am sick of reading   vague artist statements with highfalutin abstract concepts that I am sure even the artist does not understand. This rubbish is only encouraged by colleges and has nothing to do with the visceral and vivid experience of artworks   - look at Ron Mueck's work it stands on its own two feet.

Watch this space - as a practicing artist and photographer I have notice that negativity and truth are missing from art critique and I am starting to form solutions and ideas surrounding this often missed fact.

For now I hope you enjoy these old images I had such fun creating - Paul Woods.


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