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Some abstract and some not so abstract

Here are three images I am entering in a local camera club competition , the first 2 are abstract category and the last is in open submissions. I find club competitions very useful for building a personal library of images and of course thinking and discussing work. The internet would be my main inspiration though it becomes so easy these days to experiences others work - whether on a phone or a television or a desktop . 

           The last image is a focus stack of 2 images hand held with cokin filters graduated for sky. I was told at the club  that all landscape need to be  shot on a tripod, well maybe not ! Rules as always to be taken with a pinch of salt but followed for good practice.

           If I were to look at an area in which I would like to develop my creativity it would be in content and meaning and its communication - pictures for the sake of beauty I like but I also have something to say and at the moment a lot of my work does not reflect this, time and patience and there might be some heavily contend driven photography on the horizon but at the moment I am content to create beauty for its own sake. 


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