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Go forth and create for the modern senses !

So all my posts so far seem to be photographic - for those of you that know my work all "1"of  my followers on blogger and some of my stumblers upon , I also create illustrations , digital artworks , analogue paintings ,  3d animations in anaglyph and colour. " Check ( it is a little out dated but plots a little of my  digital history ) - I have even been known to create music and video art - truly I think I will  in the future be known for some of this work if I continue along these lines (you got to love yourself to love someone else). Paul Klee a fantastic artist once chose between music and art and his choice reflected the need for more innovation and new ground in the visual arts. Personally I think music is now a very different medium especially with the new technologies and abilities to create new sounds never mind the unlimited access to computers for nearly everyone. 
Fortunately computers have touched all areas of the arts equally so now in the 21st century humanity has one unifying device or interface of the senses a kind of communal experience like television and radio but with the  personality of a book - yes the internet - which is a product of the computer technology that has changed the arts, films and music ye all love. This  is hard to imagine how these changes will be perceived from a viewpoint of more then 100 years or so away in the future. What I can say for certain and this is a good piece of  advice to other artists that our transition has been influenced by our past directly. Google books for example turns a modern device into a book - useful yes but not exactly forward thinking compared to google blogger - of which I can compare to the newspapers or magazines of the late 20th century which also still exist in the very early 21st  century but in my opinion are obsolete and redundant in every way.
Music and its industry has been shaken by the computers invention and the internet's permeation of its products. The film industry is also similar - both forms of art have benefited from modern technology in more then one way - creation and modern tools of the digital era and its accessibility everyone can now participate and like the story of people like Trent Reznor.   While assembling the earliest Nine Inch Nails recordings, Reznor was unable to find a band that could articulate his songs as he wanted. Instead, inspired by Prince, he played all the instruments himself, except drums. So along with a MACINTOSH computer he produced his own record almost single handed - no doubt a special case but inspirational .  Even as interesting is Reznor's new marketing attempts and branding of his band and products and own record company. You can research this yourself  I am only using this person as an example for the plausibility of people using their computers to interact with millions of people in a creative way.

Photography is of vital importance to the arts these days. Digital photography has changed the accessibility of professional grade imaging devices and digital post processing that is far superior in both process and quality where everyone can do it almost intuitively compared to the ultra complex and expensive darkroom process. Every kid with a canon rebel is a photographer these days   ! I love it we all have a viewpoint. The internet is keeping standards very high - I walk  into local art exhibition and my heart sinks as the quality online is far superior in a lot or respects. This is a good thing where the internet has leveled the playing field we all compete and exhibit on the same stage. We also can help each other there are so many positives, I cannot even begin to list them yet.

 The future for me - Music film and art and its multi media melding - increased exposure and innovation and moving photos - not films but little looping screensaver or skins - will be big. Its the first time in my history where American have predicted a growth in the arts - due to the webdesign , new media developments Artists are in vogue and in demand. Embrace the new media without letting the past processes  influence your art too much - it is a natural thing to grow from the ideas and process of the past but be mindful of these influence and you may integrate your work into the modern sensual experience with greater impact and effect .



I took these images October(September actually seeing as II don't know what month it is ) 27th 2011  Paul Woods 


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